Who I am
Juha Hovinen – the Greens, Haukilahti, Espoo
Senior Ministerial Adviser, Architect SAFA
I am a future-oriented expert in community planning, service networks and investment economics, an alumnus of Aalto University, a music and Nordic walking enthusiast and a major consumer of culture.
I have attended all my schools in Espoo. I have studied at Otaniemi. I have worked as an architect and researcher before a long service in municipal administration, first as a builder of the physical environment and then in the headquarters of the Ministry of Education as a design manager as a service builder.
I now work in the state administration in non-political administrative and development positions.
I have held professional positions of trust on TEK, FISE and SAFA committees and boards. My leisure positions of trust are related to promoting the activities of music and festival associations. As a younger adult, I worked part-time e.g. as an event producer and in music organization roles.
I am involved in the Espoo Greens in promoting the quality of living environment, services and mobility, urban culture and a sustainable economy.
Espoo Greens
Green Espoo is a cozy nature-loving city where everyone is taken care of. We ensure everyone in Espoo has access to high-quality education in healthy facilities, including early childhood education. Green Espoo is an inspiring, communal city that encourages everyone to try new ideas and where each person can pursue their dreams. When it comes to public services, we believe in a preventative approach, promoting the well-being of our residents.
Together we are building an Espoo, where we are actively fighting climate change, promote sustainable development and safeguard local nature while building an increasingly urban dense city. In all decision-making, the Greens promote the achievement of goals of the UN Agenda 2030 already by 2025. We are turning Espoo into a city where it’s good to live and easy to move around. We manage the city’s economy responsibly, support increasing employment and prioritize services. We support equality and inclusion so that every Espoo resident can influence the future of their hometown.
The Greens are working for a forward-looking Espoo. In recent years, we have defended the quality of early childhood education and teaching overall, called for the correction of indoor air problems in schools, invested in good care for the elderly, protected local forests and beaches, defended efficient public transport, and built better bike paths and affordable housing. Together, we have enabled Espoo’s commitment to the ambitious goal of making our city carbon-neutral by 2030. We intend to continue working for a city that is close to nature, equal and sustainable.
1. Green Espoo ensures high-quality education, including early childhood education
2. Green Espoo promotes the health and well-being of its residents
3. Green Espoo fights climate change and protects local forests
4. Green Espoo is versatile a city of culture where it’s good to live and easy to move about
5. Green Espoo is good for employment and for managing the economy
6. Green Espoo increases resident’s opportunities to influence policy and defends human rights